Someone broke into a car just to swipe a Kit Kat Bar
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A college student's car was targeted by a thief with a sweet tooth on the campus of Kansas State University.
The student, Hunter Jobbins, said he left his car door unlocked for a few minutes and when he came back, he noticed the following note scrawled on a napkin.
"Saw Kit Kat in your cup holder. I love Kit Kats so I checked your door and it was unlocked. Did not take anything other than the Kit-Kat. I am sorry and hungry," the thief wrote.
Jobbins shared the note on Twitter and it has gone viral in the last few days.Jobbins told Metro there was no hard feelings.
"When I came across it at first, I was kinda upset and wondering what happened to my Kit Kat. Then I realized how funny it was that it happened so my frustration turned into laughter," he said.