Professor who confronted Richard Spencer at gym fires back against hateful messages

A Georgetown University professor said she is receiving hateful messages after her confrontation with a white nationalist last week.

Christine Fair confronted Richard Spencer, the leader of the National Policy Institute, at a gym in Old Town Alexandria. She said since her confrontation with Spencer where she called him a Nazi, her phone and social media accounts have been going off non-stop with racist remarks and threats, which she has not taken lying down.

Fair, an associate professor in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, has posted several of these hateful messages she has received to her blog. The language used in many of these messages she has shared out are inflammatory and threatening. She said the senders frequently use racial slurs, other derogatory phrases and even body shame Fair after pictures of the confrontation with Spencer were posted online.

Fair said she decided to not only post the messages for all to see, but she also posts the email addresses, phone numbers and even Facebook pictures of the senders in an effort to shame them.

However, critics have called Fair's posts intimidating, a form of harassment and are not appropriate for a professor at a university to be sharing.

In response to her critics, Fair told FOX 5, "That is the most priceless display of white male privilege, that these men are actually asserting that they have a right to say these things to me, but I don't have a right to make it completely public that these men treat women like this. So my goal is when you Google some of these men names, it comes up that this is the way they treat women. And in fact, some of these idiots have even done so from their employer's email. So to men who say this is outrageous, how dare you put my picture up after I have sent you a rapacious email, a rapaciously threatening email, I would say go suck it. You have it coming."

Fair added, "There is nothing in the faculty handbook that says how you should decorously respond when you are receiving rape threats. This isn't in the faculty handbook, and in fact, there is a really interesting and controversial set of scholarly articles about how we should be responding, and the consensus is emerging that this traditional story of you just sit back and take it like a girl is actually very dangerous for us and I think it is very difficult for people who are not receiving a constant barrage of threats like this to understand the potential psychological toll that it takes."

FOX 5 reached out to Georgetown University for comment. The school said in a statement:

"While we respect the academic freedom of our faculty, the views of any faculty member are his/her own and not the views of the university."

Fair said she will continue to use her blog to shame people sending her hateful messages.