Police: Teens accused of posting Walt Whitman MS threat on social media were trying to impress girl

Authorities say two Fairfax County teens who are facing charges after allegedly making a social media threat regarding a possible shooting at Walt Whitman Middle School did so in a bid to impress a girl.

The teens, a 14-year-old boy and 15-year-old boy from the Alexandria area of Fairfax County, were served with felony petitions Tuesday. They have each been charged with one count of threats to commit serious bodily harm to persons on school property.

Officers first learned of the threat on February 17. They searched social media accounts and other databases which led them to identify and charge the teens. Police say they turned themselves in and were sent home with their parents after a detention hearing and are under electronic monitoring.

Detectives say the boys were trying to impress a girl and did not actually have the means to carry out this threat.

"It is important that everyone understands there is nothing funny about any reference to violence in or around our schools, 'joke' or not," said the Fairfax County Police Department in a statement.

Earlier this month, an anonymous threat posted to social media resulted in an increased police presence at Fairfax High School.

Anyone with information about this or any other incident are asked to call police at 703-691-2131.