Police investigate reports of a registered sex offender lurking around North Arlington parks

Residents who live in the Bluemont and Bon Air neighborhoods of North Arlington say they have become increasingly concerned after a registered sex offender moved to the area. Their concern grew after some neighbors say they've seen him lingering at children's soccer games, hanging out around trails that lead to public parks and the Arlington Forest swimming pool which is expected to open soon.

The man is not on probation anymore, meaning there are no restrictions for him when it comes to visiting parks or talking to children. But because of his past and the large number of complaints, police are investigating.

There were also reports that the man went into the backyard of a family home and left balloons for their children. Officials say If this report is true, and the man is doing something illegal such as trespassing on private property, then they will certainly take action.

A parents tells FOX 5 that some Arlington schools sent letters home alerting parents of the man's recent whereabouts. Arlington County police say if you have had concerning interactions with this person, they want to hear from you. Click here for more information on this individual or other register sex offenders in your area.