Parents of NAACP chapter president Rachel Dolezal say she falsely claims to be black

The head of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, Washington is under fire after family members say she has been falsely portraying herself as black for years even though she is actually white.

Rachel Dolezal lived in Washington D.C. for a period of time and documents indicate she was legally white when she lived in the area.

It seems the NAACP could have uncovered Dolezal's actual race by doing a background check. When we pulled up her records, it shows Dolezal received three speeding tickets in three different Virginia counties in 2000, 2001 and 2003. When her driver's license was used to document those cases, she was listed as "white" in each of those offenses.

The first television station to interview Dolezal on camera about this controversy was KXLY-TV in Spokane.

"It culminated earlier this year. She had become president of the NAACP chapter here and reported that she went to their PO box and found a package containing hate mail that was addressed to her," said Melissa Luck, an executive producer at the television station.

Luck has been investigating Dolezal for six years because she allegedly keeps filing claims of hate crimes against her -- like a noose at her house -- but nothing has ever turned up in police investigations.

"It could have only been a postal worker who put it in or someone with a key to that PO box and they eliminated all the postal workers," said Luck.

There were rallies in support of Dolezal and the mayor even put out a statement for her. But this week, the station got a copy of the police investigation.

"She had to sign the city's code of ethics to get on this board and she wrote on the box that she was black and several other races as well," Luck told us.

Luck said a big concern locally is Dolezal claimed to be African American to serve on a police accountability board.

Dolezal lived in the D.C. area for at least two years. Howard University confirmed to FOX 5 that she graduated with a master's degree in Fine Arts in May of 2002.

The historically black university would not tell us what race Dolezal used while at the school. A spokesman gave us a link to their admission policy, which states it doesn't discriminate on race.

During those years, she lived here in Alexandria, Virginia, at a condominium about a 30 minute drive from the university.

The NAACP released a statement that said, in part, "One's racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal's advocacy record."