Mayor Bowser attends DC council hearing on homeless shelters

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser made a rare appearance at a DC council hearing on Thursday to support a proposal for new homeless shelters all over the city.

Although all council members agree with the Mayor they are also questioning the costs of the shelters and the Mayors connection to the owners of the proposed sites.

As reported by the Washington post, the high cost of each shelter will be at least 4,500 on average per unit, per month, that is more expensive than most DC apartments. They also reported that the proposed sites are owned or partly controlled by major donors to the mayor.

A couple who lives just fifty feet away from the ward one proposed site say that they welcome the homeless shelter but are still concerned that they will be left out of the decision making and what the cost to taxpayers will be.

On her way out of the council hearing, Mayor Bowser pointed out that as it stands the DC general costs 17 million to operate.