Late-spring heat wave brings Code Orange Air Quality Alert; Heat Advisory

Summer arrives on Thursday but the D.C. region is in the midst of a late-spring heat wave with temperatures in the 90s and a heat index over 100 degrees.

A sunny, hot, and humid Tuesday is in store with temperatures near 96 degrees expected. A Code Orange Air Quality alert is in place meaning unhealthy air conditions for sensitive groups including children and older adults. Those at risk should limit their time outdoors especially if engaged in physical activity.

With summer beginning on Thursday morning at 6:07 a.m., we're seeing more and more daylight each day. On Monday, the sun rose at 5:43 a.m. and will set at 8:36 p.m.

The week stays hot with temperatures around 92 degrees on Tuesday and 90 degrees on Wednesday with afternoon thunderstorms possible both days. A slight break in the heat later this week with temperatures in the 80s anticipated.