Infant twins killed by Mexican cartel buried with mother, siblings as all 9 slain Americans are laid to rest

The 8-month-old twins killed along with seven other Americans after drug cartel gunmen ambushed their convoy in northern Mexico were laid to rest Friday.
Titus and Tiana Miller died Monday when the Juarez cartel opened fire on their family's SUV and two other vehicles in an atttack meant for a rival cartel. The SUV burst into flames.
The twins shared a casket with their mother, Rhonita “Nita” Miller, who also died in the attack. Twelve-year-old Howard Jr. and 10-year-old Kristal were buried in their own coffins on either side of their mother and the twins.
Kenny Miller, speaking at his daughter-in-law’s funeral, described her as “an angel” and his grandchildren as "little angels."
"I would like this to be used for people who have no voice," Miller said, hoping that the tragedy will shed light on record levels of homicidal violence in Mexico and spur action. "I think Nita would approve wholeheartedly."

LE BARÓN, MEXICO - NOVEMBER 09: Members of local Mormon communities and relatives of the extended Le Baron family attend the funeral held for Christina Marie Langford on November 09, 2019 in Le Barón, Mexico. Three families were traveling in separate
The Millers' bodies were brought from La Mora to Colonia LeBaron in neighboring Chihuahua state by a convoy of pickup trucks and SUVS that followed the same dirt-and-rock mountainous road where the ambush took place. Many residents of the two communities that lie a five-hour drive apart are related.
Dawna Ray Langford, 43, and her two sons, 11-year-old Trevor and 2-year-old Rogan, were buried Thursday in La Mora.
The final victim, Christina Langford Johnson, was to be buried Saturday morning.
Members of the farming community say Johnson jumped out of her vehicle and waved her hands to show she was no threat to the attackers and was shot twice in the heart. Her 7-month-old daughter, Faith Marie Johnson, was found unharmed in her car seat.
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Fox News’ Melissa Leon and The Associated Press contributed to this report.