Former Fairfax County police officer pleads guilty to child porn possession

A former spokesperson for the Fairfax County Police Department has pleaded guilty to ten counts of child pornography possession.

William "Bud" Walker was charged back in April and pleaded guilty in court on Monday.

Authorities began investigating Walker after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received a tip from a blogging and social media site that child pornography was uploaded onto its servers from a Fairfax County home that was owned by Walker.

He had worked with the Fairfax County Police Department since 1999 before resigning after his arrest last month. The 50-year-old recently served as a public information officer for the department. He had also worked as a patrol officer and was a school resource officer at South County High School in Lorton from 2006 to 2009.

Walker is expected to be sentenced in August.