First black woman to serve as American University student president defeats neo-Nazi in court

The first black woman to serve as American University's student government president has won a lawsuit against a neo-Nazi website operator who orchestrated an online harassment campaign against her.

A federal judge granted default judgment Friday to Taylor Dumpson and awarded her more than $725,000 after The Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin and a follower failed to respond to her lawsuit.

The judge awarded Dumpson compensatory damages of $101,429.28, punitive damages of $500,000, and attorneys' fees and costs of $124,022.10. The judge also entered a restraining order against Anglin, his Moonbase Holdings limited liability company, and Brian Andrew Ade.

After Dumpson became student government president in 2017, someone hung nooses with bananas containing derogatory messages on the university's campus. Anglin posted an article about the incident and directed followers to "troll storm" Dumpson on social media.