Elderly man dies after assaulted by fellow senior living facility resident
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Police are investigating a homicide at an assisted living facility on Duke Street in Alexandria.
Police say a 72-year-old man assaulted an 82-year-old man who died two days later. The victim has been identified as Hunter Alexander from Alexandria.
It happened on October 24 at Sunrise, a facility for the mentally impaired. Police only alerted the media Friday.
The 72-year-old man has not been arrested. Police will not say why, only that it is an on-going investigation and charges are still possible. Police couldn't say if the man was still living at Sunrise.
Sunrise refused to give a statement to FOX 5 Friday.
People visiting family at the facility said they had not been notified of the homicide and some had no idea it had happened until we told them. Stay with FOX 5 for the latest on this story.