Educator accused of sexually abusing minor student at Silver Spring middle school

The family of Robert Otis Wilson III was emotional as they left court. Wilson's aunt was the only one who spoke with reporters as she left the courthouse.

"I'm very, very upset about what's being said about my nephew. I don't believe it's true, but if it's true I wish he would've told somebody so we could have got him some help," said aunt Karen Wilson.

The suspect was arrested late Thursday night at his Silver Spring home. He is charged with one count of sex abuse of a minor and three counts of a third degree sex offense. Police say he was involved in an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old female student at A. Mario Loiederman Middle School in Silver Spring.

Wilson, a special education paraeducator, is accused of meeting with the student on the school campus and engaging in inappropriate touching and kissing beginning in October of 2014. Wilson, who was assisting the girl with after-school work, would allegedly meet her under a stairwell where no security cameras were present. Police say this occurred once a day for several months.

Court documents show the suspect allegedly confessed to the abuse and going to the girl's apartment in January, where the alleged abuse continued.

Wilson is due back in court May 22.

Montgomery County Public Schools Statement:

We are very concerned and disturbed about the allegations against Mr. Wilson and that some of the alleged conduct that led to his arrest may have occurred on school property. We will continue to work with the Montgomery County Police Department and encourage anyone who has any information that may be helpful to the investigation to contact the police immediately.

When this allegation came to the attention of a member of the Loiederman Middle School staff earlier this month, it was immediately reported to Child Protective Services and the Montgomery County Police Department, which began an investigation. We are grateful for their partnership. We are continuing to support the student, the student's family, and the school community.

MCPS has taken great strides to improve its policies, procedures, and protocols related to preventing, identifying, and reporting allegations of child abuse and neglect. We will continue to improve in this area in collaboration with our partners in Child Protective Services, the Montgomery County Police Department, and the State's Attorney's Office.

Mr. Wilson worked as a special education paraeducator from August 2013 through March 30, 2015, when he moved to the Division of Food and Nutrition Services warehouse—a job he applied for. For the past two years, he has also worked as the assistant track coach at Wheaton High School. He is currently on administrative leave. Both communities are being notified about his arrest, which we were made aware of late last night.