Eagle cam captivates Florida with 2 eaglets

Want to see a warm-and-fuzzy bald eaglet peck through its eggshell?
'Harriet' laid two eggs last month and her nest can be seen on the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam. The first of two eggs hatched Tuesday morning and another is expected to hatch soon.
Eagles normally mate for life, and Harriet was typically seen with her mate "Ozzie," but Ozzie died from an injury late last year. Harriet has now taken up with a younger bird.
The reproductive cycles of most bald eagles are not normally recorded and viewed by more than 42 million people across the globe. But these are no ordinary eagles: M15 and Harriet are two of the most well documented birds in Florida.
Harriet is an older female that has fledged dozens of offspring since the early 1990s.
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Welcome to the World E7! Harriet and M15's first eaglet hatched at 7:23am this morning. First complete sighting of the...
The Associated Press contributed to this report.