Downtown Denver not equipped with enough public toilets

Downtown Denver is a busy area and a great place to visit. But it lacks one thing everyone needs - bathrooms.

"There hasn't been a big need for it in the past but we're looking into it now because we've heard from the community that there is a big need for it," said Heather Burke of Denver Public Works.

You're options now are to use the facilities at the business you're patronizing, or you could do your business at your local, not so friendly, neighborhood dumpster.

And that's not a good idea.

In 2014 Denver Police issued 550 misdemeanor citations for urinating in public.

The judge decides the fine.

Denver's popular Hard Rock Cafe is inundated every day by non-paying customers to use the bathroom – and they try to be accommodating.

"We're never going to turn anybody away especially on the weekends. Friday and Saturday nights have a lot of folks coming in at all hours - just want to come in see Hard Rock, see the memorabilia, and use our restroom, and we're fine with that," said manager John Lindsay.

All this has not gone unnoticed by Denver Public Works.

"It's definitely on the city's radar; we have a working group that's looking at different options for public restrooms," said Burke.

So the next time you're downtown and nature calls - your best bet is not to answer the call.