DoorDash driver stops to steal packages while delivering pizza
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Caught on camera!
A delivery driver, turned porch pirate in Northern Virginia, was ready for his close-up!
The bizarre series of events started at the &Pizza restaurant on Richmond Highway, where a DoorDash driver identified as “Chanique,” picked up an order December 26.
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Chanique drove across town to the Burgundy Village neighborhood in the Alexandria portion of Fairfax County.
However, she didn’t go directly to her delivery location.
Instead, Chanique made a pit stop on Elmwood Drive, where he passenger hopped out of the car and approached a front door.
Ring video shows the passenger holding two pizza boxes, pretending to press the doorbell, and looking around for about 10 seconds. He then grabs multiple Amazon boxes and runs back to the vehicle.
Homeowner Ken Prol wasn’t even in the state, but his doorbell alerted him to the package thieves, who only got away with, “Mostly hair products, shampoo, conditioner and a small doll.”
Once the culprit was back in the car, he and Chanique finally did drop off their order about a half mile away, where he was caught on camera once again.
He even earned a tip for his friendly delivery!
Prol was shocked that the thief who stole his packages would be so brazen, “To just roll down the street and deliver pizza a few minutes later like nothing happened!”
However, after seeing her pizza man on the Next Door app, the homeowner who ordered it immediately pieced together the puzzle.
The neighbors alerted both DoorDash and police, who say, it’s an ongoing investigation.