Donald Trump drops the 'p' word
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is hoping for a victory in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary after coming in second last week in Iowa. He fired up his supporters a day earlier at a rally in Manchester, that drew thousands despite a snowstorm.
A woman in the crowd yelled that rival Sen. Ted Cruz was a "p-ssy."
Trump responded and repeated the word.
"You know what she said? Shout it out," said Trump. "You're not allowed to say that and I never expected to hear you say that again. I never expect to hear you say that again. She said he's a p-ssy," said Trump.
Trump leads a Republican field that has been in flux in the final days of campaigning across snowy New Hampshire. A rocky debate performance by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has jeopardized his chance to pull away from a trio of governors and firmly establish himself as the chief rival to Trump and Cruz.
In the two-person race for the Democratic nomination, Sanders has held an advantage over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire for weeks. The state is friendly territory for the Vermont senator and a must-win if he's to have a chance of staying competitive with Clinton as the race moves to more diverse states that are seen as more hospitable to the former secretary of state.
"We're running a very radical campaign because we are telling the American people the truth and that's something that is not often told in the political world," Sanders said Monday as he urged supporters to help him pull out a win. The senator finished second to Clinton in the leadoff Iowa caucuses by the narrowest of margins.
The enthusiasm behind Trump, a real estate mogul with who has never held political office, and Sanders, an avowed democratic socialist, underscore the public's anger with the current political system. Even if neither candidate ultimately becomes their party's nominee, those who do will have to reckon with the voter frustration they've tapped into.
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