Dog swallowed up by sinkhole in Arlington

There were frightening moments for an Arlington woman when her dog fell into a sinkhole.

It happened earlier this week in the Lyon Park neighborhood.

A woman was walking her dog along a path when the ground gave way beneath his paws. She held onto his leash and incredibly was able to pull the 83-pound animal to safety.

She tells FOX 5 the dog is doing okay.

Neighbor Elise Frasier heard the woman's screams. She says the park is used by people walking to the Clarendon Metro station and there is also a play area for local children.

"It could have been somebody's kids, my kids," said Frasier. "This park is used all the time."

The Arlington Department of Parks and Recreation says a broken sewer line caused the sinkhole.

Contractors are working to fix it and pump out all of the water.