Dog runs away from home, walks at least 15 blocks to find owner at hospital
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — A family says a dog that ran away from home was found inside a Cedar Rapids hospital where her owner was staying at.
KCRG-TV ( reported Thursday that Nancy Franck was at Mercy Medical Center following a surgery.
Last Saturday, her husband discovered their miniature schnauzer Sissy was gone from their residence, which is at least 15 blocks away from the hospital.
A hospital security guard used Sissy's tags to call Franck's husband, Dale. He said Sissy was on a mission to see her mom but simply couldn't find the right elevator to take.
The family is still perplexed on how Sissy sniffed her way to the hospital. But they think she might've knew her way around from car trips in dropping Nancy Franck off for work next door.
Information from: KCRG-TV,
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