'Dependable Dad' trades office job for odd jobs

When Rob Albert walks through his neighborhood, he's often pulled in multiple directions.

His neighbors in Montgomery County ask him to take care of whatever odd jobs they need done, such as walking dogs, moving heavy objects and gardening.

He's known as the chief problem solver because there's little he doesn't do.

"My passion is helping people organize their lives. And I do it in different ways. I organize everything-- their offices, rooms in their homes, basements, garages, their finances," Rob Albert said.

This wasn't always his full-time gig. Albert earned an MBA from Johns Hopkins, spent 25 years in Fortune 500 companies, worked for MCI, and was a defense contractor at the Pentagon.

When the sequester put the squeeze on Washington, Albert says he knew it was time to reinvent himself to launch his own American dream.

"I said ‘What do I do? Why don't I take all the things I love to do, all the talents I have and all of the skills I've acquired over the last 25 years and use them,'" he said.

Albert created the website DependableDad.com and launched his business a year ago. He charges by the hour and travels through the D.C. area to do odd jobs.

He says he's always on-call and since he's started down this new path, the calls just keep coming.