DC Police investigating string of sexual abuse incidents near convention center

Police are investigating three sexual abuse incidents in which woman have been targeted over 12 days all within several blocks of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center.

Authorities said it's unclear if the assaults are connected.

The latest happened about 12:15 a.m. Saturday in the 1200 block of 7th Street NW. Police say a man forced a woman into her apartment and sexually assaulted her before running off.

Neighbors tell FOX 5 there are cameras inside the building where the assault happened, but it's unclear if they were working at the time. Police have not released any video.

On Aug. 11, just before noon, police say a man grabbed a woman's butt while she was walking in the 1000 block of M Street NW.

It appears the earliest incident in the recent string of attacks happened on Aug. 6. Police say a man exposed himself to woman about 3 p.m. in the 1400 block of 7th Street NW.

Police have released video or pictures of the suspects in two of the three incidents. They have not made any arrests.