DC library's technology shows it's more than just books

If you think libraries are just for books, think again. The D.C. Public Library is hosting startup companies and teaching technology.

Nick Kerelchuk is the manager of Digital Commons at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library in downtown D.C. He will speak Sunday at a South by Southwest event called "Libraries as Launch Pads."

Yes, libraries are still providing traditional services like loaning books, but there is much more.

"When I was a kid, my first exposure to the internet was at the library," said Kerelchuk. "So now people are starting to get their exposure to emerging technologies at the library -- things like 3D printing. Maybe one day that will be in your home, but at least you know you got exposure to it here first."

Soon the MLK Library will even host a digital production studio. All you have to do is bring your own rock band.