'Creepy' clown sightings are on the rise
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. - Are you afraid of clowns? If you, you certainly aren't alone. 'Creepy' clown sightings are on the rise. Some have been made up reports given to police others have caused officials to close down school for the day. So what is it about clowns?
FOX 5's Matt Ackland went to Markoff's haunted house to try to get to the bottom of it.
At Markoff's it's all fun and games - people pay money to be scared by creepy clowns. That's why before the haunted forest opens this season - the clown exhibit is getting scarier.
"We're constantly trying to make it like a real carnival so it's not just a scene," said Jason Alpern, one of the creepy clowns at Markoff's.
So, what is it about clowns that creeps so many people out? "It is definitely something that gets attention," Alpern commented.
Law enforcement across the country isn't laughing about what appears to be a creepy clown trend. In Richmond two people were arrested for dressing as clowns and chasing kids. Schools had to be closed outside Cincinnati on Friday after a woman said she was attacked by a creepy clown and the clown made threats against area schools.
A Louisiana sheriff put a picture and note on Facebook recently after two people dressed as creepy clowned just showed up at a store and were ordered out by the owner.
You may not know it, but wearing a mask is illegal in many places in the D.C. area - the district and Virginia do not allow those older than 16 years old to wear a mask - with some exceptions.
As Halloween approaches - its likely creepier clown sightings will be happening.
Markoff's suggest that everyone leaves the creepy clown business to them. Markoff's told FOX 5 that some people even have panic attacks and have to be escorted to another place in the haunted forest.