Congressional Women’s Softball Game to benefit breast cancer awareness back after COVID-19 delay

The Congressional Women's Softball Game returns Wednesday to Capitol Hill.

The game will take place at Watkins Recreation Center in Southeast D.C.

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The annual charity event is usually held in June but was postponed this year due to COVID-19.

Members of Congress will be pitted against a team of Washington women journalists to benefit breast cancer awareness -- especially among young women. Proceeds will go to the Young Survival Coalition.

"This softball game is just a very fun way to raise awareness so that young women know that their breast health is important and they have to be responsible for it because the health care system doesn't ask them to get mammograms in the way that we ask older women to get mammograms," said Senator Kristen Gillibrand, a co-captain for the Congressional team. "Young people do get breast cancer and it can be treated and you can survive."

Unlike the male-dominated congressional baseball game for charity which is democrats versus republicans -- this team of all-women senators and representatives is made up of members of both parties.

You can support the cause and purchase tickets online. First pitch is Wednesday, October 27 at 6 p.m. at the Watkins Recreation Center located at 420 12th Street in Southeast D.C.

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