Civil Air Patrol monitoring Matthew flooding for FEMA
LUMBERTON - Hurricane Matthew and the resulting flooding has hit hard. It's been devastating to the community in Lumberton, North Carolina.
The Civil Air Patrol has made more than 100 flights and taken more than 6,000 photos for FEMA.
"What FEMA is doing is monitoring the cresting and dropping of the water so they can better allocate resources to the area," said CAP pilot Carlisle Lincoln
The Civil Air Patrol dates back to the 1930's. They assisted in patrolling for submarines in World War II, and have aided in countless emergencies as the auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force.
Thousands of young people from 12 through 21 years old are introduced to aviation through CAP's cadet program, but members of all ages help when it comes to disasters like what North Carolina is facing now.
To Lincoln, "It's fantastic to have an opportunity to be able to do this and serve the community like this."
We can all be grateful to have heroes looking after us, and flying above us.