Baby boy delivered on Memorial Day with help from Stafford County Fire and Rescue
STAFFORD COUNTY, Va. - A baby boy was brought into the world early on Memorial Day, with help from staff with Stafford County Fire and Rescue.
Baby Max was born just after midnight on Monday, officials say, after fire and rescue were called to assist an expecting mom in labor.
Crews say that because of the mother's history and the fact that her contractions were very close together, they made the decision to deliver at home.
Stafford County fire says first responders didn't want to risk moving mom down two flights of stairs or have the risk of her delivering in a moving ambulance.
A Stafford County dispatcher was able to talk the dad through the labor for his wife until emergency crews arrived.
Officials say the dispatcher's coaching was a big help -- crews arrived just before the baby did!
Max was delivered smoothly about 12 minutes after our crews got there, at about 12:45 a.m.
Mom and baby Max were taken to Mary Washington Hospital.
"So often we only get to see loss in this business. It's great for our personnel to get to experience this happy event! I'm so proud of our crews, and our dispatcher for working together for a great outcome," said Stafford County Fire Chief Joseph Cardello.