5 things you need to know to stay safe in the water this summer

It's the time of the year again for swimming pools, sunscreen, and floaties.

Despite all the fun activities that summer provides, there are hazards to keep in mind. Sunday evening, a two-year-old boy nearly drowned at a Fairfax County waterpark. It is unclear how the accident occurred, but it serves as evidence of the dangers of summer.

Bob Barnard visited the Bethesda Chevy Chase Y-M-C-A Tuesday with 5 things you need to know to stay safe in the water this summer.

{C} 1. {C} You are your child's first responder. Never rely on a lifeguard to watch after your children.

2. Stay close to your child, and maintain visual contact.

3. Floaties are not a safety device.

4. Kids drown silently. A common misconception is that children splash and make noises when they drown. This is NOT true, however, as children tend to just sink.

5. Start children on swim lessons early in life. Infants can begin lessons as early as six months of age.