26 victims or 27? Newtown panel considers role of Lanza mom
HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) -- A Connecticut panel developing a report on the Newtown massacre is debating whether the victims counted in the dedication should include the shooter's mother.
The gunman killed his mother before gunning down 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012, and then committing suicide.
A draft of the dedication for the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission's report references 26 victims. Commissioner Harold Schwartz said at a hearing Friday that he doubted whether it is "morally right" to not acknowledge Nancy Lanza as a victim.
Nancy Lanza purchased the rifle her son used in the massacre and the commission chairman, Scott Jackson, said it's a difficult issue because she contributed to the circumstances that led to the tragedy.
The panel is expected to issue its report soon with policy recommendations.
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