2 arrested in armed robbery featuring unicorn disguise
BALDWIN, Md. - (AP) -- Police in Maryland say they've captured an elusive unicorn, since unmasked as a man suspected of robbing a convenience store last week.
News outlets report that Baltimore County police say 28-year-old Jacob William Rogge donned a pink-and-white unicorn costume and smashed a High's Dairy Store register with a crowbar Saturday. Police say 27-year-old Joseph Philip Svezzese drove Rogge, who fled with cash and cigarettes.
The pair's car crossed into oncoming traffic, crashed into mailboxes, a utility pole, shrubbery and a boulder, which sent the car back across the road until it hit a tree. Both men were hospitalized with serious injuries.
Svezzese was treated and released, but Rogge remains hospitalized in serious condition. Court records didn't list lawyers.
Police say the unicorn costume was discarded and later found in bushes.
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