The Teal Pumpkin Project makes Halloween safe for kids with allergies
LOS ANGELES - What's Halloween without the trick-or-treating? For kids with life-threatening food allergies, it's like being all dressed up, with no place to go.
One in 13 children in the U.S. has a food allergy, according to To make the holiday sweeter for little ones who can't have candy, you can join The Teal Pumpkin Project and give out alternatives instead.
A teal pumpkin- (or if you do your costuming and decor last minute,- a free printable sign outside your door) lets trick-or-treaters know you're giving out treats that aren't edible: little toys, glow sticks, stickers, plastic fangs- anything that everyone can enjoy. Yes, it's still Halloween without candy corn.
The Teal Pumpkin Project aims to make Halloween, safer, happier, and more inclusive. Last year homes from all 50 states and 14 different countries participated in the movement- and it's continuing to grow. People are getting creative with their pumpkins and spreading awareness about food allergies. Visit to find out more and join the fun.