Students prepare powerful messages on signs for March for Our Lives
WASHINGTON - Dozens of students set to take part in the March for Our Lives in the nation's capital were hard at work at Union Station preparing powerful messages on the eve of the big event.
With markers in hand, they were creating signs for Saturday's march - a lot of them with messages directed at Congress.
A few students traveled across the country for this historic rally. They said they needed to take part in this movement in Washington D.C. because simply - they just want to feel safe in school.
"When I was younger, I never really thought about having a school shooting," said Claire Moore, a 7th grade student at Sunnyside Environmental School in Portland, Oregon. "We used to do lockdown drills, but I never really thought of anything of it. But now recently, there has been so many shootings that I am a little bit nervous. In the back of my mind, what if today there is going to be a school shooting at my school and am I going to be affected by it?"
"We go to school to learn and not to be afraid for our lives and that we should never have to fear for our lives in school because it's the place where we are paving our future where we get all of our information for becoming adults and going out into the world, and there should never be a time where we have to be afraid for our lives," said Mia Moore, a 10th grade student at Cleveland High School in Portland, Oregon.
Most of these students will head over to Washington National Cathedral Friday evening for a prayer vigil to pay their respects to those lives lost to gun violence.