Stevie Wonder stops by Prince George’s County bakery for snickerdoodles
Stevie Wonder visit Pro Cakes in Iverson Mall
He’s one of the most famous musicians in the world, and apparently, Stevie Wonder really likes good cookies too. FOX 5's Josh Rosenthal stopped by Pro Cakes in Iverson Mall to discuss the talented musician's surprise visit.
PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. - He’s one of the most famous musicians in the world, and apparently, Stevie Wonder really likes good cookies too.
"Am I surprised seeing him on a random Tuesday in the middle of June? A lot," laughed Christina Shearer, who works at Pro Cakes inside Iverson Mall in Prince George’s County.

Here’s how it all happened: Shearer said that a woman who turned out to be Stevie Wonder’s wife bought a box of Snickerdoodle cookies from the store on Monday. Then, on Tuesday, she came back.
"She had told me that she had heated them up for way too long, she messed up the cookies, and she was so sad about it that she needed to come back up here and buy another box of cookies for her, and this time she brought her husband," said Shearer, before adding, "who happened to be Stevie Wonder."

Although Shearer – and Pro Cakes owner Antoine Lee – weren’t completely sure it was the music legend at the time.
"I just treated him like a regular customer because, here, we like to treat everybody like family pretty much," Shearer said.
"I looked at Christina," Lee added. "I said, ‘Am I tripping?’ She looked back at me. I said, ‘Was that Stevie Wonder?’ She said, ‘I said the same thing.’ I said, ‘Yeah, I thought I was tripping. Like, there’s no way that was Stevie Wonder,’ and it was."

Lee said they confirmed it when a friend of the musician’s wife got her back on Facetime Tuesday. They still aren’t sure why the couple was there, but a Washington Informer article from 2017 noted that Wonder’s wife, Tomeeka Robyn Bracy, is from nearby.
"I think it was meant to happen," Lee said. "I’m a big Stevie Wonder fan."
Shearer said the husband and wife couldn’t have been any nicer, that they ended up buying a box of mixed cookies, and that they left a generous tip as well.
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