Real-life 'X-Files'? CIA posts trove of UFO documents
The truth is out there - the CIA is offering a peek into its 'X-files,' shining a spotlight on a series of once-classified UFO documents.
"To help navigate the vast amount of data contained in our FOIA UFO collection, we've decided to highlight a few documents both skeptics and believers will find interesting," explained the agency, in a blog post.
The UFO documents, which date primarily from the 1940s and 1950s, are among hundreds that the CIA declassified in 1978.
In a nod to Fox's new "X-Files" series, the agency highlights "five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity."
"We also pulled five documents we think his skeptical partner, Agent Dana Scully, could use to prove there is a scientific explanation for UFO sightings," it added.
The "Mulder" documents include 1952 reports of flying saucers over the then-East Germany, Spain and North Africa, as well as a survey of UFO reports from the same year.