Pulse victims will not get bills for treatment at Orlando Health

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Orlando Health said it has not and will not bill any of the victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre who received care at the hospital after the shooting.

The hospital listed various sources from which it could pull funding to help pay victims' medical bills, but even with a list of help, the hospital was set to incur more than $5 million in unreimbursed costs.

In a statement Wednesday, the hospital said it was looking into insurance, state, federal and private funds, as well as the One Orlando fund, to help the victims with immediate medical bills and ongoing medical costs.

Other resources, Orlando Health said, could include disability insurance, Florida's crime victim compensation program, Medicaid and charity care provided by Orlando Health.

Orlando Health's full statement:

Orlando Health has not sent any hospital or medical bills directly to Pulse patients and we don't intend to pursue reimbursement of medical costs from them. We are exploring numerous options to help the victims of the Pulse nightclub tragedy address immediate and ongoing medical costs. These include state and federal funds, private insurance, victim funds like the One Orlando fund, disability insurance, Florida's crime victim compensation program, funding sources established for individual victims, means-tested programs like Medicaid, as well as charity care provided by Orlando Health. Even with these multiple funding sources, Orlando Health's total unreimbursed costs could exceed $5 million. -Orlando Health