Protesters demand transparency from police in Terrence Sterling death investigation

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Demonstrators gathered Monday morning in northwest D.C. to protest the death of a motorcyclist who was shot and killed by a police officer two weeks ago.

The protests began at 4:19 a.m. at the intersection of 3rd and M streets - the time and place of 31-year old Terrence Sterling's deadly encounter with officers on September 11. Protesters held signs and called for transparency from police in the investigation. Around 8 a.m., a group of protesters moved into the intersection of New York Ave. & 3rd Street, blocking traffic.

Sterling worked as an H-VAC technician, and had just left a bachelor party, according to his employer -- who added he was likely heading for home via the 3rd Street Tunnel.

Police said that Sterling intentionally drove into the passenger door as the officer was getting out of the passenger side of the police car. The officer opened fire, and the motorcyclist was shot. He was taken to a hospital, where he died.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said the officer who fatally shot Sterling was wearing a body camera, but failed to turn it on until after the shooting.

Conflicting witness accounts of the incident have been reported.

Police are still investigating the shooting incident.