Presidential Inaugural Committee: Ticket requests have been exceeding our supply

It is usually Twitter that is Donald Trump's preferred social media platform, but he has taken to Facebook to put in a personal plea for people to come to his inauguration.

In a new video, the President-elect is drumming up business for what appears to be an already hot ticket. Trump said on the Facebook video: "The inauguration is our moment in American history and I want you to be with me on Inauguration Day, January 20th at the Mall. It's going to be so exciting. Most importantly, we are going to make America great again. I'll see you on January 20th."

FOX 5 has checked with several congressional offices and it appears demand for the free Trump inaugural tickets has been strong. So strong in fact that some Republican districts are reaching out to Democratic congressional offices seeing if they have tickets to spare.

Some skeptics had wondered if the crowds for the Trump inauguration may be thinner than in past inaugurations, but it turns out may not be the case. We spoke with the Presidential Inaugural Committee and they said requests have been exceeding their supply.

The office of Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.) said it has received roughly 1,000 requests for tickets, but they only had 200 allotted to give out. The office said it is now scrambling to come up with extra tickets from other congressional offices and have a waiting list.

If you do have a ticket for the swearing-in ceremony, the Presidential Inaugural Committee is urging for people to study up on the map and the entry points before you arrive at the west front of the U.S. Capitol.

"If you have a ticket, they are all color-coded, so we tried to make this as simple as possible," said Taylor Mason, the regional press secretary for the Presidential Inaugural Committee. "The colors coordinate with a specific Metro stop. We are suggesting that people coming to the celebration follow the directions that were given out with the ticket or they can visit our website to get more information on the ticket themselves."

The Presidential Inaugural Committee said they are still getting hundreds of thousands of people requesting tickets. You can still go to their website to make a request and they said they are trying their best to accommodate everyone who wants to attend.