Police say man kills 2 neighbors over parking space dispute
BALTIMORE (AP) -- Baltimore Police say a man shot and killed two of his neighbors after a dispute over parking spaces.
Officers were called to the northeast Baltimore neighborhood about 3:45 p.m. Friday after numerous 911 callers reported a shooting. Authorities say 34-year-old Dennis Padgett had an ongoing dispute over parking with a neighbor.
Police say after Padgett got into an argument with 40-year-old Robert Thomas in front of Padgett's house, he went into his home and came out with an AR-15 Type large caliber assault rifle and a 9mm handgun.
Officers say Padgett shot another neighbor, 47-year-old Troy Preston, four times. Police say Padgett chased Thomas from in front of his house a block away.
Authorities say Padgett then shot Thomas.
Padgett is charged with first-degree murder and numerous other offenses.
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