National Arboretum eagle mates Mr. President and First Lady lay first egg of year

Bald eagle pair Mr. President and The First Lady, who reside in a tree at the U.S. National Arboretum have laid their first egg for the year.

The American Eagle Foundation, which maintains the popular eagle cam says the first egg was laid by The First Lady on Sunday at around 4:30 p.m., but the Foundation says they are anticipating a second egg in a few days.

The mated Bald Eagles live in a Tulip Poplar tree in the Azalea Collection at the Arboretum.

Last season, the proud eagle parents successfully raised and fledged two eaglets, Honor and Glory.

The American Eagle Foundation says there have been sightings of Mr. President and The First Lady bringing in sticks and soft nesting materials for the past few weeks, as they've been preparing for the season ahead.

You can watch The President and The First Lady at the DC Aboretum Eagle Nest Cam.

Another popular eagle pair, Liberty and Justice, who reside in a tree above the Metropolitan Police Department Training Academy in Southeast D.C., laid two eggs that hatched with great anticipation earlier this month.

The yet-to-be-named eaglets ECC3 and ECC4 arrived on March 17 and March 19, respectively.