Mother's lifestyle decisions impact risk of obesity in children, new research says
WASHINGTON - A new study says a mother's lifestyle decisions can have a big impact on whether or not her children will be overweight.
The research, published by The BMJ, followed nearly 17000 female nurses and their almost 24300 children.
The data found that the children of mothers who maintained an overall healthy lifestyle - characterized by keeping a healthy weight, maintaining a quality diet, regularly exercising, not smoking, and using alcohol in only light to moderate amounts - had a 75 percent lower risk of obesity than children of mothers who did not carry themselves in the same healthy manner.
The study said that children who followed their mothers along that path to good health were 82 percent less likely to be obese than kids who followed the unhealthy habits of their parents.
Dr. Shilpi Agarwal joined us in-studio with more on how mom's behavior can impact their child's weight.