Metro shutdown may create noise problems in Alexandria
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (FOX 5 DC) - The upcoming Metro shutdown won't just create congestion, all of that construction is going to create a lot of noise too, especially in Alexandria.
"We're gonna have to live with some serious loss of sleep," John Fay said Wednesday night at a pre-construction open house.
"It's not going to be a lot of fun to be trying to concentrate on writing and working and hearing the jackhammering going on," added Christine Purcell.
The noise is expected to be especially problematic in Alexandria because four of the six metro stations that will be under construction are located in the city.
"It's going to be a shock to the system for sure," said Alexandria Department of Transportation and Environmental Services Director Yon Lambert. He said he's expecting 24/7 construction and upwards of 700 workers in the city at any given time.
"The work that WMATA is going to be doing is going to be disruptive," he explained. "They will be jackhammering, they will be saw cutting, and there's going to be heavy equipment moving around all the stations."
Once things get underway, Lambert said residents who experience problems should contact WMATA at 202-637-7000.