‘Menthol Isn’t Kool’ rap competition for teens in Montgomery County
"Menthol isn't kool" — that's the theme of Montgomery County's new rap competition aimed at teenage residents.
The county is looking for kids ages 13-18 to create a rap song about the harmful effects of menthol. The winner of the contest receives $500; second place gets $250; and there's $100 for a runner-up.
The song can't include any profanity or explicit lyrics, and it needs to be three minutes or less. Participants also must live in Montgomery County.

According to the Montgomery County Teen Tobacco Prevention Initiative, the group that's sponsoring the contest, over 18.9 million people vape/smoke menthol cigarettes.
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that menthol is one of the leading flavors that attract kids to tobacco products.
When an increased amount of teens started using the products, Montgomery County Council passed a law that prohibits the sales of tobacco products or electronic cigarettes to anyone under 21. The council went even further in 2020 by banning shops from selling vapes and e-cigarettes within half a mile of all middle schools and high schools.
For more details on how to submit a song for the "Menthol Isn't Kool" rap competition visit nopuffdaddy.com