Man convicted in DC intern Chandra Levy's death: release me before re-trial

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lawyers for a man convicted of killing Washington intern Chandra Levy are expected to ask he be released while waiting to be re-tried.

Ingmar Guandique is scheduled to return to court Tuesday for a hearing.

Guandique was convicted in 2010 but his attorneys pushed for a new trial because they said a key witness in the case gave false or misleading testimony. Prosecutors said in May that they believe the jury's verdict was correct but would no longer oppose the new trial request. A judge formally granted the new trial request in early June. It is set for 2016.

Levy's 2001 disappearance created a national sensation after the 24-year-old California native was romantically linked with then-U.S. Rep. Gary Condit. Condit, a California Democrat, was ultimately ruled out as a suspect.

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