Joey Feek has only days to live

It's been a battle of health for country singer Joey Feek. Cancer wins many times over. Too many times, to be honest. But Joey has been stronger than most people ever could be, as she's been surround by love, support, and hope for an amazing future for her and Rory's daughter, Indy.

She has held on and held on strongly.

Rory reveals his wife Joey is living the last of her days and have very few left, if any. She's been a survivor for as long as she could, as many who have battled cancer do.

In Rory's latest post on This Life I Live, he writes...

My wife has been asleep for days now and her body is shutting down quickly. The hospice nurse came again this morning and said Joey will most-likely only be with us for a few more days… at the most.

A few more days… In the 40 short years that Joey has lived, my bride has accomplished many great things… she's lived a very full life. But even more than that, she has loved those around her greatly and been loved greatly in return. I can honestly say that Joey's isn't just a life well-lived, it's a life well-loved.

"one last kiss" - a blog post and video from one man's extraordinary, ordinary life.

Family, friends, fans, and strangers have been able to be a part of Joey and Rory's journey--a road that's unbelievably hard to travel. Yet, a road that is worth experiencing. Even though it feels you're losing someone, you actually grow closer. This is a reminder to hold your loved ones, tell them you love them. Hug them. Kiss them. And say you'll be by their side...just as Rory has been by Joey's.