Griffin teen who helped elderly stranger honored for act of kindness

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A Griffin High School basketball player who became a household name after he was photographed helping an elderly woman got a surprise Wednesday he soon won't forget.

A few weeks ago, Sequavious Driver was at the Dollar General in Griffin when he noticed a woman in need. He ran over to the help the woman, and even shopped with her before helping her back to her car. Driver's aunt, Constance Sweet, took pictures of her nephew and put the story on social media. Since then, the story has gone viral.

SEE RELATED: Griffin teen helps elderly stranger at Dollar General

Wednesday, Dollar General decided to surprise the teen for his random act of kindness. Driver's class was interrupted when staffers from Dollar General presented him with a $500 gift card, but the surprises didn't stop there. A few moments later walked in two Atlanta Hawks Cheerleaders who had a jersey with Driver's name and school basketball number on the back, along with tickets to a game.

"He just seems to be a generally caring great young man with a really bright future," said Dollar General spokesperson, Dan McDonald. "I'm just glad the Dollar General and the Hawks could pair up to come to the school and say thank you, thank you for doing a random act of kindness. Thank you for modeling the right behavior, kudos to Senquavious because he deserves the credit he is getting. He deserves the accolades because he did a great thing."

Driver said all the attention is something he never imagined.

"Everywhere I go people are congratulating me on what did. They say they know me. They say they saw me on TV," said Driver.

Driver told us he doesn't feel like he did anything special.

"I was just being nice because that's the kind of person I am," the teen said.

Driver's coach, Willie Reese, said he's impressed with how Driver has handled all the attention.

"He's been very, very humble, but that is an attribute to his upbringing with his mother, grandfather, and grandmother, everybody," said Coach Reese. "He's a great kid."

Driver said he's most excited about his jersey, and he plans to spend his gift card on his mother.