Georgia students quarantined after virus brought on board school bus

FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. - A majority of students on one Forsyth County school bus have been quarantined after one student infected with the virus was found on-board.
The Forsyth County school system tells FOX 5 that "a large majority" of students on the bus were quarantined after last week's incident.
According to the school, one driver failed to seat two siblings together, which is currently required.
"We are extremely disappointed that this occurred because our schools and staff have worked so hard to keep students healthy and safe over the past eight weeks of school," officials said in a statement.
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The school system says it is working to determine the appropriate consequence for the driver.
As of Oct. 2, the Georgia Department of Health has confirmed 4,189 cases of COVID-19 in the county since the pandemic's start.
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