Final case review set for ex-NFL cheerleader accused of rape
GEORGETOWN, Del. (AP) -- A former Baltimore Ravens cheerleader faces a final case review in March on charges that she raped a teenage boy and provided other minors with alcohol.
A case review for 47-year-old Molly Shattuck had been scheduled for Wednesday, but there were no issues to bring before the judge. The final case review was scheduled for March 18.
Shattuck was indicted in November on charges of third-degree rape, unlawful sexual contact and providing alcohol to minors. She has pleaded not guilty.
Her attorney declined to comment Wednesday.
The charges came after a 15-year-old boy told police Shattuck began an inappropriate relationship with him near Baltimore and that it culminated with sexual activity at a vacation rental home in Bethany Beach over Labor Day weekend.
Shattuck is the ex-wife of Mayo Shattuck, a prominent Maryland energy executive.
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