DC attorney writes black man's guide to surviving police encounters

Do black men need a survival guide to deal with police?

Eric Broyles, D.C. based attorney and co-author of "Encounters with Police: A Black Man's Guide to Survival," says yes. He joined us to talk about the book and the reasons behind it.


Written 18 months ago - the book came from Broyles' unforgiveness towards police officers for the killings of Michael Brown and John Crawford. "I wrote the book really as way to sort of vent - and then also to do something concrete about the issue."

He says that a long history of distrust in the United States - shaped by the slavery and Jim Crow laws - make it necessary for African-Americans to keep in mind a different set of rules when dealing with law enforcement.


With the recent deaths in Minnesota and Louisiana - what could have been done differently?

In the case of Philando Castile - Broyles says not much. "I'm not sure he could have done anything differently." He said.

"It's one of the unfortunate realities that I've had to discuss across the country as I've talked about the book. You can do everything we say in the book and still have a bad result, unfortunately."


- Be transparent and communicate clearly.

- Over-communicate. Before reaching into your wallet or glovebox, ask the officer, "Is it okay if I…"

- If you have a concealed carry permit - get a concealed carry permit badge.

- Answer all questions from the officer.

- Ask officer, "Am I being detained?"

MORE ABOUT THE BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Encounters-Police-Black-Guide-Survival/dp/0986429503