Controversial Prince William County data center development vote Tuesday

The Prince William County Board of Supervisors has scheduled a vote Tuesday on a controversial plan to build massive data centers in Bristow.

This new plan would construct as many as 14 centers on 270 acres of land near schools and homes near the intersection of Linton Hall and Devlin Roads. The project would be called Devlin Technology Park and promises jobs and other opportunities.

Opponents of the plan argue that the construction noise, and the on-going noise from air conditions to cool the massive buildings, would affect their daily lives.

"We are the epicenter of this disaster about to unfold in Prince William County. It's men, women, and children and what really gets to me emotionally is they don't care about the children - they don't care about the schools - it’s only about money. It's about these giant monstrosities," said Dr. Steven Pleickhardt, who opposes the plan.

A decade ago, plans for the area called for hundreds of homes to be built instead of the currently proposed date centers.

In other parts of Prince William County, homeowners have protested and rallied against the development of data centers in their backyards.

The Prince William County Board of Supervisors is expected to vote on this plan at its meeting in Woodbridge at 7:30 Tuesday. Pleickhardt says he’s leading a protest against the project starting at 5 p.m. outside the meeting place.