Berry College welcomes 2 new eaglets

The newest members of the Berry College family have arrived.

The Berry College Eagles Facebook page announced "B8" hatched early Saturday morning and "B9" hatched Monday morning. The two eaglets are now snuggling close together in a 100-foot-tall pine tree near the athletic and recreation center on Berry College's 27,000-acre campus in northwest Georgia.

"We now have two fuzz balls and the mother eagle is keeping them warm," said Chris Kozelle, Director of News and Editorial Services Berry College Office of Public Relations and Marketing.

The bald eagles first appeared on the main campus in the spring of 2012. Berry College installed new cameras this year which have better quality and sound. According to Kozelle, the best time to watch the eagles on the nest is early morning.

For more information on the eagles:


NEXT ARTICLE: EAGLE CAM: Eagles, fans watch for second egg to hatch