9 pounds of marijuana shipped to DC club in FedEx package

Police say they arrested a man in D.C. Saturday after he attempted to claim a package with nine pounds of marijuana delivered to a Southwest D.C. club.

Police say they found over nine pounds (4259 grams) of marijuana inside a FedEx box delivered to the Blind Whino at 700 Delaware Ave. SW in eight vacuum-sealed packages on Friday.

Police spoke to a witness who told them did not order the pot or know anyone at the club who ordered it. The witness told police that a man contacted him and asked him if he had the package. The witness told him that he did and would have an associate give it to him.

On Saturday, just after 1 p.m. a D.C. police officer in plain clothes and an unmarked car, got in touch with the suspect and told him he was an associate of the witness and had his package.

They two met, but the undercover detective, Officer Prendergast, gave the suspect a decoy package. The suspect took the package and put it in his car and attempted to leave, but he was stopped and arrested by police for possession with intent to distribute.