850K DC-area residents expected to travel for Labor Day
WASHINGTON - (AP) -- More than 850,000 people in the Washington metro area are expected to celebrate Labor Day by traveling 50 miles or more.
AAA Mid-Atlantic said Monday that it expects 850,700 people in the metro area to travel this Labor Day. AAA says it expects 87 percent of Washington metro area travelers to go somewhere by car, 7 percent to travel by air and 5 percent by bus, watercraft or rail.
AAA is predicting a slight increase in travel from 2014 when it says approximately 847,400 people from the metro area traveled for the holiday.
AAA says when Labor Day weekend falls late in the calendar, as it does this year, Americans have traditionally shown less inclination to travel. Overall, 35.5 million Americans are expected to travel for the holiday.
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